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Cardinal Virtues

The Virtue of Temperance

Temperance is one of the four cardinal virtues in Catholic teaching, embodying self-control, moderation, and balance in the use of created goods. Rooted in Scripture and Tradition, temperance guides Catholics to govern their desires and passions in a way that aligns with God’s will, fostering holiness and spiritual growth.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines temperance as the virtue that "moderates the attraction of pleasures and provides balance in the use of created goods" (CCC 1809). This virtue doesn't demand complete abstinence but calls for responsible enjoyment, ensuring that natural desires—such as for food, drink, comfort, or entertainment—do not become disordered or lead to sin.

Temperance is crucial in modern life, where society often encourages excess and indulgence. It teaches Catholics to practice moderation in all aspects of life, resisting temptations that can harm the soul or weaken the will. For example, temperance helps a person enjoy food without gluttony, use technology without addiction, and manage emotions without being controlled by anger or envy.

The greatest model of temperance is Jesus Christ, who lived with perfect balance, using earthly goods appropriately while always prioritizing His mission and communion with the Father. The Blessed Virgin Mary also exemplifies temperance through her humble, disciplined, and obedient life.

Practicing temperance strengthens other virtues, particularly prudence, which guides right judgment, and fortitude, which provides strength to resist temptations. It is also supported by grace through prayer and the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Confession.

In a world driven by consumerism and instant gratification, temperance calls Catholics to live counter-culturally, valuing spiritual wealth over material excess. It challenges the faithful to find joy in simplicity, fostering peace within the soul and harmony in relationships. Living with temperance not only honors God but also leads to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

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